Publications, 2024

Date   | Material deadlines | Theme / Themed editions

06.01  | 20.12
13.01  | 03.01
20.01  | 10.01
27.01  | 17.01
03.02  | 24.01
10.02  | 31.01
17.02  | 07.02
24.02  | 14.02 
02.03  | 21.02 
09.03  | 28.02 Theme: Summer Tires
16.03  | 06.03
23.03  | 13.03 Theme: Easter edition
06.04  | 27.03
13.04  | 03.04 Theme: Male fashion and sports equipment
20.04  | 10.04 Theme: The Norwegian Boat Show
27.04  | 17.04 Theme: The Norwegian Boat Show /Watches
04.05  | 24.04
11.05  | 01.05
18.05  | 08.05
25.05  | 15.05 Theme: The automotive industry of the future
01.06  | 22.05
08.06  | 29.05
15.06  | 05.06 Topic: The automotive industry of the future
22.06  | 12.06
29.06  | 19.06
06.07  | 26.06
13.07  | 03.07
20.07  | 10.07
27.07  | 17.07
03.08  | 24.07
10.08  | 31.07
17.08  | 07.08 Topic: The automotive industry of the future
24.08  | 14.08 Theme: Boats
31.08  | 21.08 Theme: Boats
07.09  | 28.08
14.09  | 04.09
21.09  | 11.09
28.09  | 18.09
05.10  | 25.09 Theme: Winter Tires
12.10  | 02.10
19.10  | 09.10
26.10  | 16.10
02.11  | 23.10
09.11  | 30.10
16.11  | 06.11
23.11  | 13.11
30.11  | 20.11
07.12  | 27.11 Theme: Christmas edition
14.12  | 04.12
21.12  | 11.12 Theme: The car year 2024
28.12  | 18.12 Theme: News 2025
Preliminary plan subject to possible changes