
Inserts hits the target audience just as surely as the newspaper. If you want to be seen, read and make sure that the reader spends time on the message, just inserting is a quick way to the goal. We can take most pre-produced inserts and can also mediate production.

Contact Per Anders Amundsen , or our sales department for more information.

Ad Value:

  • The insert is part of the newspapers total advertising product, subject to the editors responsibility.
  • The insert comes all the way into the home or at work. It is not thrown away from the mailbox.
  • The insertion also reaches those who have reserved themselves against unaddressed advertising from the post office.
  • Inserts are distributed exactly on the day the customer has reserved, so that total campaigns can be better managed.
  • Competing vouchers are not inserted on the same day.

Formate und Preise
